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How Creative Writing Can Increase Your Self-Worth

Who am I? I’m not just the vocal me—you’ll find the essence of who I truly am in my written words. This is a journey of rediscovery, a quest to reconnect with the little girl who once dreamt of being a writer but grew up sidelining that aspiration. Yet here’s the twist: I’ve decided it’s never too late to chase that dream. If you, too, are a dreamer unwilling to let go, then pull up a chair. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together.

The Spark of Creativity

As a young girl, I felt destined for greatness, convinced that my calling was to become a remarkable writer. My mind brimmed with imaginative ideas, and books like “The Neverending Story” filled me with a sense of awe that only deepened when I saw their movie adaptations. Yet, there was a disconnect: the quiet, shy, and introverted me in the real world didn’t align with the vibrant voice echoing in my mind. As I matured, life’s complexities took center stage. The world became intimidating, responsibilities piled up, and my once vivid dream of a writing career gradually dimmed.

College and Self-Doubt

During college, my initial encounter with a creative writing course left me feeling like a square peg in a round hole. Doubts crept in, leading me to question whether my talents leaned more towards the technical than the artistic. Consequently, I pivoted towards the sciences, unwittingly stifling my creative impulses. This sensation of not truly fitting in became a recurring theme throughout my life. Yet, even then, I made a pact with myself: I would return to the sanctuary of writing whenever my soul yearned for it.

Adult Life and the Return to Writing

Life unfolded in its own way—I launched into a career in the technical sciences, tied the knot, and became a mother to two wonderful kids. Yet, as they grew older and life settled into a rhythm, the dormant desire to write reawakened. Resolved to heed that call, I revisited my long-shelved passion for writing. Now in my 40s, as a working mom who’s often felt out of place, I’ve come to a crucial realization: it’s not about waiting for the perfect moment to write; it’s about carving out those precious moments because they matter.

Speed Learning and Moving Forward

So here I stand, immersing myself in a crash course on all things writing—enrolling in classes, attending poetry clubs, and absorbing every lesson along the way. I’m not just here for myself; I’m here to light the way for you, too, sharing both the wisdom and the blunders from my own journey.

My dream isn’t over, and neither is yours. We each have stories to tell, lessons to learn, and a life of meaning to craft. Creative writing serves as a powerful conduit for this, enriching both our mental well-being and our sense of self-worth. Through blogging, I’m chronicling my journey, celebrating my thoughts in poetic form, and fostering a community of kindred spirits.

Self-Worth and Creative Writing

We all know how crucial a healthy sense of self-worth is for our overall well-being. It’s the cornerstone upon which we build relationships, tackle challenges, and find joy in life. But did you know that the pen—your creative weapon of choice—can be a powerful tool in this journey? Yes, you read that right! Creative writing, in its various forms, can be a transformative avenue for improving your self-worth.

In the following sections, we’ll explore why creative writing holds this magical potential and how you can tap into it. We’ll look at some exciting exercises, share compelling stories, and even throw in some soul-stirring song lists to inspire your creative journey.

Why Creative Writing?

Creative writing is not just an artistic endeavor; it’s a deeply personal one as well. It allows us to tap into the uncharted territories of our minds and souls, offering us the freedom to explore, reflect, and grow. But why is creative writing specifically suited for enhancing self-worth? Let’s delve into some key reasons:


Creative writing provides an unrivaled platform for self-expression. Whether it’s through poetry, short stories, or essays, you’re given carte blanche to be your authentic self. This act alone can be incredibly liberating and empowering, helping you understand your worth.

Therapeutic Benefits

Numerous psychological studies have shown that writing can be a form of therapy. It enables us to confront our fears, tackle our insecurities, and face our traumas, all of which are crucial steps in understanding and improving our self-worth.

Emotional Intelligence

By putting our feelings into words, we gain a better understanding of them. This boosts our emotional intelligence, which in turn helps us navigate social interactions more effectively, thereby improving our sense of self-worth.

Skill Building

Mastering the art of writing is a journey that comes with its own set of rewards. Every well-crafted sentence or stanza adds a layer of confidence and reaffirms your abilities, contributing to a more robust sense of self-worth.

Community Support

Creative writing often leads to community engagement, whether through writing groups, online forums, or social media platforms. The sense of belonging and the validation that comes from sharing your work can significantly uplift your self-worth.

So, whether you’re a seasoned writer or a curious beginner, the power of the written word can be your ally in the quest for a higher sense of self-worth. Now let’s explore how to harness this power through specific exercises and inspirational resources.

The Process

Now that we understand the incredible potential of creative writing to enhance self-worth, let’s dive into some practical ways you can harness this power. Below are a few exercises tailored to different aspects of self-improvement.

The Gratitude Journal

How it Helps: Gratitude journals are an excellent way to focus on the positives in life, thereby enhancing self-worth. 

The Exercise: Every night before bed, jot down three things you’re grateful for. Try to be as specific as possible. 

Bonus: Re-read your entries whenever you’re feeling down to instantly lift your spirits.

The “I Am” Poem

How it Helps: Writing an “I Am” poem can be a transformative experience that helps you see yourself in a new light.

The Exercise: Create a poem starting each line with “I am,” followed by a descriptor or something you’ve achieved. 

Bonus: Share your poem with trusted friends or family for added affirmation.

Mirror Conversations

How it Helps: This exercise is about confronting your reflection and the thoughts that come with it, converting them into affirmative sentences.

The Exercise: Stand in front of a mirror, look into your eyes, and start writing a conversation between you and your reflection. Try to focus on positive affirmations and self-love.

Future Letter

How it Helps: Writing a letter to your future self can help you set goals and gain perspective, contributing to your sense of worth.

The Exercise: Write a letter to yourself one, five, or ten years into the future. Discuss your hopes, dreams, and the steps you’re taking to achieve them.

Your Own Story

How it Helps: Narrating your life story (even just a snippet) can give you a sense of control and purpose.

The Exercise: Write a short story or essay about a significant moment in your life. Focus on how it shaped you and what you learned from it.

Each of these exercises offers a unique path to enhancing your self-worth. Try one and your future self will thank you!

Additional Resources

Your journey towards enhanced self-worth through creative writing doesn’t have to end here. There are plenty of resources to help you continue your exploration. Here are some recommended picks from Worthy Word Weaver:

Song Lists

These are instrumental in order to allow your thoughts to flourish.

Music of Worth“: Upbeat instrumental music to inspire creativity and uplift your sense of worth.

Ballads of Self-Love“: Upbeat romantic instrumental melodies that focus on the importance of loving and respecting oneself.


The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron: An excellent guide to unlocking your creative potential.

Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown: A book that explores the power of vulnerability and self-worth.

Communities and Courses

Worthy Word Weaver’s Facebook Group: Check out our collection of digital downloads that focus on creative writing and self-improvement.

Coming Soon: Writing for Self-Discovery: An online course that blends writing exercises with self-improvement techniques.

Coming Soon: The Poetry of You: A course focused on using poetry as a tool for self-discovery and improvement.

Where the Journey Leads

The journey towards a healthier sense of self-worth is a continuous process, filled with both challenges and triumphs. Creative writing offers a unique, expressive, and therapeutic avenue for this vital self-improvement. From keeping a gratitude journal to writing your own narrative, the pen becomes more than just a writing tool; it becomes an instrument of transformation.

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just beginning your creative journey, remember that every word you write contributes to your personal growth. So why not pick up that pen or open that document and start weaving your worthy words today?

I would love to hear your experiences and thoughts on this topic! Feel free to share your own stories or exercises with us at And if you found this article beneficial, consider sharing it with someone who might need it. For more inspiration and resources, don’t forget to join our Facebook Group.

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